

MOCON Oxtran O2 Permeation

High sensitivity oxygen permeation instrumentation measures oxygen flux as a function of time. Used to study the performance of packaging materials.

Permeability, solubility, and diffusivity can be determined from a fit of the data.


Constant Volume Variable Pressure Permeation ASTM D1434

Allows us to measure the transport properties of common small gasses including but not limited to He, H2, N2, CO2, CH4, Ar, O2, and Ne. Permeability, diffusivity, and solubility are calculated from a data output.

Free Volume


Pressure, Volume, Temperature Dilatometry


Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy

A spectroscopy technique utilizing the decay of 22Na to probe free volume voids in dense polymers, PALS is used in the development of structure property relationships in transport membranes, drug delivery, and composites.

Polymer Performance


Melt Flow Index


Cone Calorimetry

Allows for quantitative measurements of the flame retardancy and probability of propagation of flame within polymeric materials. Equipped with a smoke detection system and CO/CO2 gas analyzer.


LFA 467

Measures thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of solid, powder, and liquid samples.